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 Complicity of Judges in Wrongful Convictions


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 Complicity of Judges in Wrongful Convictions

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Complicity of Judges In Wrongful Convictions

By Hans Sherrer

The wrongful conviction of an innocent person does not occur in a vacuum of judicial indifference. A judge sits at the front of every courtroom. Although prosecutors, police, defense lawyers and lab technicians have all been critiqued in books and magazines for their contribution to wrongful convictions, judges have, by and large, been given a free pass. This hands-off attitude may be due to judges being thought of by lay persons and portrayed by the media as impartial, apolitical people who possess great intelligence, wisdom, and compassion, and are concerned with ensuring that justice prevails in every case. Reality is far different from that idealistic vision.

Criminal courts are an immensely important part of our government. No part of government should be shrouded in mystery. Peering beneath the public façade that has protected judges from serious scrutiny, reveals that judges are the most crucial actor in the real-life drama of an innocent person’s prosecution and conviction.

Contrary to their carefully cultivated public image of being independent and above the frays of everyday life, judges are influenced and even controlled by powerful and largely-hidden political, financial, personal and ideological considerations.

All the way from a local judge in small town USA to a U. S. Supreme Court justice, members of the judiciary are inherently involved in all manners of political intrigue and subject to a multitude of political and other pressures. The political nature of judges that affects their conduct and rulings is an extension of the fact that there is not a single judge in the United States, whether nominated or elected, whether state or federal, that is not a product of the political process as surely as every other political official, whether a city mayor, a county commissioner, a state representative, a member of Congress, or the President.

Published July 2023

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