
Click Here To Order softcover copy of

 Homeschooling: A Hope For America


Dedicated to:

All those parents and children who light their candles against the darkness;

 Hans Sherrer,

Who suggested this anthology;



Who put up with it.


A Hope For America

Edited by Carl Watner  


The responsibility of parents for the education of their children is deeply rooted in the spirit and history of America. There was no mention of education, much less “public/government” education in either the Declaration of Independence or the federal Constitution. This absence of concern for what is today deemed to be one of the most central of government functions is not too hard to explain.

George Washington was educated by his father and half-brother, Benjamin Franklin was taught to read by his father and attended a private school for writing and arithmetic, and Thomas Jefferson studied Latin and Greek under a tutor.

The men who founded the United States were educated under the freest conditions possible and it would have been strange to most of them, indeed, to think that government should have been a provider of education.

This is our ideal, the “what might have been” for American education, and our hope for what might be. Yet, as every 21st Century reader knows, educational freedom in America has been nearly destroyed, so much so that even the validity of homeschooling has been challenged in many states.

Published July 2010

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