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 America’s Suicide Pact of 1965


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 America’s Suicide Pact of 1965

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America's Suicide Pact of 1965:

The 1965 Immigration Act Sealed the Death of America

By Hans Sherrer

America died on October 3, 1965. America was killed on that day by the federal government forsaking the foundation of America’s creation from a wilderness sparsely populated by people who had not materially progressed in more than 10,000 years, into the most prosperous country on Earth in less than 300 years.

America’s death blow was struck by the 1965 immigration act that abandoned the key principle of European ancestry underlying the United States’ laws related to immigration and naturalization for 175 years.

America was settled by European pioneers who created what eventually became the United States. At its founding the U.S. only allowed people of European birth or ancestry to be citizens.

U.S. immigration and naturalization laws from the first one enacted in 1790 sought to preserve America’s hegemony as a culture created and nurtured by assimilation of European immigrants.

The "national origins" quota system that favored European immigration was abandoned in 1965 by enactment of an immigration law that its supporters claimed would not effect America’s historical European demographic.

They were 100% wrong. The 1965 Hart-Celler immigration law set in motion displacement of people of European birth or ancestry as the racial majority in the U.S., and disintegration of the country’s culture that since its founding has been based on their primacy.

The 1965 immigration and nationality act was a political suicide pact. Its consequence is American culture created over more than 400 years is being systematically destroyed before our eyes.

Published May 2022

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